7-Year-Old Finds Winning Lotto Ticket - When Her Parents Hear Her Plan, They're In Tears
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7-Year-Old Finds Winning Lotto Ticket – When Her Parents Hear Her Plan, They’re In Tears

It’s the little ones who provide hope for the future.

Children – despite a reputation of self-serving tendencies – often lead by example in how to treat others in the world.

Need proof?

One remarkable little girl turned her unforeseen fortune into a selfless investment in people who needed a helping hand.

Phoebe Brown, 7, was out with her mother taking care of errands in their hometown of Independence, Missouri.

As fortune would have it, Phoebe stumbled upon a $100 lottery scratch-off ticket lying on the ground.

Instead of visions of grandeur about new toys or sweet treats, the second-grader had a more lofty ambition for her newfound riches:

She opted to spend the winnings on food for people in need, according to a local television station.

Her father was impressed with the idea.

You wonder if our kids these days, if that’s how they’re thinking,” her father, Joshua Brown, told a reporter.

And this just goes to show ya’ they are thinking that, and that’s a real good thing.

Phoebe connected her idea to help with her school’s canned food drive.

“She said, ‘mom, mom, can we do that?’” her mother, Audrey Brown, told local media. “And I was like, ‘yeah.’”

So, off to the store the family went to purchase a variety of canned goods to give away.

In turn, the Browns’ effort spurred a big push from Phoebe’s classmates:

By the end of the canned food drive her class collected more than 540 items of food.

Her class won the food drive contest, and the class was rewarded with a crazy-fun honor…

The class was allowed to shave their gym teacher’s beard. Students’ squeals of delight showed the reward was a huge success.

“We could shave Mr. Horeman’s beard and we could also help other families,” Phoebe told local news media.

Phoebe’s helpful nature is born from first-hand experience with difficult times.

“There have been times where I’ve been out of work,” Mr. Brown told local media. “We had nowhere to stay and our family’s taken us in, and helped us out.

“We’re thankful for our friends and our family,” he said.

Phoebe’s kindness with her lucky fortune has extended her family to her classmates, and all the families they helped with their canned food drive.

It’s a great example for all to follow and yes, it was set by a small child.

Inspiring, huh?

Source: Huffington Post

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"I write about positive relations between humans and the wonderful creatures who share this earth with us, as well as how humans can actually be kind and supportive to one another."

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