Police Officers
Gigantic Stray Pitbull Charges Terrified Cop – Seconds Later, The Pup Reveals His True Motives
July 4, 2018
Pit bulls sometimes get a bad rap. They’re often considered dangerous even when they haven’t done...
Cop Spots Petrified Kitten On A Busy Highway – He Jumps Out Of His Car And Gives Chase
May 28, 2018When you’re a police officer, it’s your duty to protect those who can’t protect themselves. And...
Frantic Pup Begs For Help In The Road – Cop Follows Him To Nearby Porch And Calls 911
May 10, 2018They say dogs are man’s best friend, and there’s a reason for that. Every time we...
Terrified Female Cop Thrown To The Ground…Seconds Later, An Unlikely Hero Charges In!
December 28, 2017The true heroes of the world don’t strut around telling everyone how brave they are. Instead,...