Terrified Female Cop Thrown To The Ground…Seconds Later, An Unlikely Hero Charges In!

The true heroes of the world don’t strut around telling everyone how brave they are.
Instead, they fly under the radar, but won’t hesitate to jump in and lend a hand when the situation calls for it.
Due to their low profile, these heroes can appear instantly and out of nowhere, and they are often not the person anyone expected…
That was certainly the case when a frightening incident broke out at a gas station in Columbia, South Carolina.
CPD officer Ashley Hardesty was attempting to apprehend a male suspect who had assaulted a store clerk.
The much larger man had wielded a knife during the attack, and Hardesty was doing her best to subdue him.
But the man wasn’t going down without a fight and terrifyingly, he was able to gain control of the situation.
Hardesty was in some serious danger, and there was no telling how much worse the situation was going to get!
Cray Turmon, a local man, just happened to be passing by, and he saw the whole incident unfold. Without giving it a second thought, he leapt into action.
Turmon jumped into the fray, tackled the suspect to the ground, and then Hardesty was able to place him in handcuffs.
“She’d done everything she could,” Turmon told Fox News. “It was going to get ugly, ya know?”
The random hero was quickly praised by the police department for his heroic actions, and officers would go on to learn more about him.
Turns out that Turmon is currently homeless and living in a shelter, which is sad news indeed.
But the department was able to make his Christmas a little bit brighter by honoring him with a special ceremony, one which he will never forget.
Columbia Police Chief Skip Holbrook presented him with a certificate that praised Turmon for his “extraordinary actions to preserve life and aid public safety.”
The department would also go above and beyond the call of duty and drop off some gifts at the shelter.
“Bravo Mr. Cray Turmon for your random act of kindness your gift to us when CPD officer Ashley Hardesty needed it the most,” wrote the department on their Facebook page.
As with most heroes that fly under the radar, Turmon has been incredibly humble while praise has been showered on him.
While he’s certainly appreciative of the recognition that he’s received, it’s pretty clear that was the furthest thing from his mind when he leapt into action.
He simply saw a situation in which he could potentially save someone’s life, and he didn’t hesitate to act. Talk about impressive!
You can check out some more details on this touching story in the video below.
Police honor a homeless black man for coming to the assistance of a white female police officer this week.
This is awesome.
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) December 22, 2017
Source: Good News Network
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