Coyote Is Seconds From Devouring An Adorable Puppy, Then A Furry Hero Charges In
When you mess with a dog, you better be sure he’s alone. One coyote made the...
Rescuers Rush To Save Dog Curled Up In The Freezing Snow For Two Days To Find He’s Protecting A Little Boy
May 17, 2022Siberia is not an accommodating place to live. It’s brutal and severe and even adults should...
Stray Cat Keeps Meowing Outside Family’s Door – His True Motive Is Heart-Wrenching
September 19, 2018Not long after a family moves into their new home, they hear a sound at the...
Dad Brings Pup Home From The Groomer’s – His Kids Realize Something Is Very Wrong
September 19, 2018A 10-year-old toy Maltese goes in for a simple grooming… …nobody expects it to turn into...
Fishermen Spot A Furry Blob In A Freezing Lake – They Get Closer, Then Leap For Their Nets
September 18, 2018When fisherman Ruslan Lukanin spotted something moving in the water, he knew it was too big...
Ten Abandoned Kittens Start Chasing A Woman – A Mile Later, She Discovers Their Motive
September 18, 2018Bree was out walking her dog on a cold morning in Queensland, Australia. Things seemed pretty...
Scared Pup Found Shaking In The Bushes – He’s The Only Witness To An Unspeakable Crime
September 17, 2018A terrified dog crouches in the bushes and refuses to move. At first, rescuers don’t understand...
Blind Dog Abandoned On Street Corner – Rescuer Spots A Note On The Pup’s Collar
September 17, 2018A Good Samaritan spots a small schnauzer-poodle mix on the street. The poor thing looks sad...
Woman Finds Injured Dog On Her Porch – She Checks The Security Cam, Then Rushes To The Phone
September 14, 2018A woman in Flamstead, England is getting ready for bed one night, when the doorbell rings....
Pup Stares Down The Driveway, Refusing To Budge – Owner Looks And Rushes To Dial 911
September 14, 2018A Great Dane named Sadie wouldn’t move. Her owner, Rob Jerry, had just taken Sadie out...
New Dad Abandons Tiny Pup At Shelter – His Excuse Will Make Your Blood Boil
September 13, 2018People get rid of pets for all sorts of reasons. But the reason Nicki Fricker heard...
Rescuer Finds Abandoned Pet House In A Park – She Carefully Opens The Door And Gasps
September 13, 2018It was just sitting there: a little blue pet house in the middle of the park....
Girl Thinks She’s Holding A Friend’s Puppy – But Mom Has A Trick Up Her Sleeve
September 12, 2018Tatum desperately wanted a puppy. Like many young girls, she wanted that puppy more than anything...
Boaters See Struggling Whale – One Man Spots The Problem, Then Grabs A Knife And Jumps In
September 12, 2018The Fishbacks and their friends love photographing the gentle giants of the deep. But they didn’t...
Stray Puppy In Grass Won’t Stand Up – Rescuers Inch Closer, Then Jump Back In Alarm
September 11, 2018The poor little puppy didn’t even stand up. Maëlle Girard and her boyfriend Gilles Manzato spotted...
Husky Saved Just Minutes Before Euthanasia – Her Metamorphosis Is A Sight To Behold
September 11, 2018Poor Skye was literally minutes away from death. This poor homeless 1-year-old husky-cross was found suffering...
Frantic Labrador Begs Cop To Follow Him…Seconds Later, Both Are Instant Heroes!
December 11, 2017For Officer Jeff Gonzalez, it was just like any other day on the job. He was...
The Security Dog Sniffed This Blue Shipping Tote and Just Went Nuts
February 15, 2018Express mail can be a lifesaver when something absolutely, positively has to get to its destination...
Family Comes Home To Find Luna Crying In Pain. Then They Spot The Empty Wrapper
January 2, 2018Most responsible pet owners know the hidden dangers in their homes when it comes to keeping...
Rescuers Rush To Save Dog Curled Up In The Freezing Snow For Two Days To Find He’s Protecting Something
February 2, 2018Siberia is not an accommodating place to live. It’s brutal and severe and even adults should...
Rescuers Run Toward Starving Pup, But Freeze When They See He’s Surrounded By Nasty Creatures
September 9, 2018Animal rescue saw the distressed pup, starving and chained to a tree. They prepared to charge...
Man Spots Huge Beaver Struggling In Deep Mud But OMG, That’s No Beaver!
January 24, 2018Ah, there’s nothing like a walk in nature to soothe the spirit and ease the troubled...
Driver Spies Dog Crying And Scratching At Sealed Box – He Pulls Over, Rips The Tape Off And…
December 11, 2017Dogs are one of Mother Nature’s great communicators. They are just so emotional and expressive; attentive...
UPS Driver Finds Strange Dog Hiding In His Truck…Then He Reads The Note Pinned To His Collar
December 23, 2017When you’re a delivery man, you come across all sorts of strange situations. After all, you’re...
Pup Stares Down The Driveway, Refusing To Budge – Owner Looks And Rushes To Dial 911
September 14, 2018A Great Dane named Sadie wouldn’t move. Her owner, Rob Jerry, had just taken Sadie out...
Boat Cruise Becomes A Rescue Mission After They Spot A Drowning Creature In The Water
September 8, 2018It was a beautiful day for a boat ride. But the crew of the Manly Fast...