Dog Begs Her Owner To Follow Her, Leads Him To An Abandoned Boat
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Dogs can find just about anything.
Their keen sense of smell means they can locate anything from injured humans to contraband at airports.
And sometimes, they’ll find a scent that leads their owners to something entirely unexpected…
A group of friends embarked on a weekend retreat and one of the guys brought his dog with him. He knew the pooch would love the great outdoors, as all dogs do.
So, the second they arrived at their destination in the woods, he let his loyal pet out of the car.
He figured the dog would run around in circles, sniffing at everything, overjoyed at being outside in the fresh air and indulging in Mother Nature’s mysteries.
But this pup didn’t run around aimlessly; in fact, she’d caught a scent and tore off in pursuit of it!
The group of friends noticed she was making a beeline for an old abandoned metal boat sitting in the forest. They were a little confused at first, but the dog wouldn’t leave the boat.
What the heck was going on? Did she smell something underneath it…?
Yup! One of the guys peeked under the boat and was stunned to find two adorable little kittens!
Unfortunately, they didn’t see any mamma cat around so they figured the two kittens had been abandoned.
Given the situation – out in the middle of nowhere, with plenty of predators – the men feared the mother cat might be dead.
But at the very least, the two kittens appeared to be in remarkably good health and more amazingly, the dog adored them!
Her maternal instincts immediately kicked into overdrive and even more incredibly, the tiny cats weren’t at all afraid of the female canine.
The dog quickly assumed the role of mother and even bathed the kittens with her tongue, as their fur had become caked with dirt and mud.
As the weekend wore on, the men made sure the kittens were fed and cared for and afterward, they brought them to a vet.
Would the little furry tykes be okay…?
Yes, the kittens were indeed in great condition and it definitely helped that the men and the female dog had tended to them so lovingly.
Watch how adorably they interact!
They say dogs and cats don’t get along but every day, we see ample evidence to the contrary.
And besides, those mommy instincts NEVER disappear, in any animal! 😉
Source: Honest to Paws
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