Dorothy Is Dying In A Desert, Rescuers Reach Her, And A Breathless Beauty Emerges
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Dorothy Is Dying In A Desert, Rescuers Reach Her, And A Breathless Beauty Emerges

Animal rescue groups simply don’t get anywhere near the credit they deserve.

They go out of their way to help the furry little friends of the world. 

And often, their work leads them to unfathomable situations that will tug at the heartstrings of even the most hardened individuals.

Here’s another example:

J.J. Woofin’ Paws Rescue Agency received a call about a dog that was wandering aimlessly down a rural dirt road in the desert of Palmdale.

The cocker spaniel was in incredibly rough shape when the rescuers got to her, and they quickly determined that she had been callously dumped to fend for herself.

Why do people DO that? What evil could possess them?

The dog, who they would name Dorothy, was so incredibly matted that they initially couldn’t even tell if she was a boy or a girl.

Despite that, it was quite obvious this was a sweet dog deep down inside, as she was continually wagging her tail from the time of rescue.

She was just so happy that someone was finally taking an interest in her life!

Dorothy would be taken to the vet to get the care that she so desperately needed, and she took some solace in the crate that was provided for her.

It may not be great for all animals but for scared strays, it’s protection…and besides, loving humans are nearby.

However, she was in obvious pain, as she would begin crying when anyone tried to touch her.  Rescuers wondered if it was the painful matting…

Nonetheless, she was a trooper for her visit to the vet. Dorothy would have to be sedated so she could be bathed and shaved down properly.

When she woke up, something totally remarkable happened:

Underneath that mat of fur was this beautiful dog just dying for attention!

Dorothy instantly trusted her rescuers, and she became very friendly. She was incredibly happy to finally be clean and cared for!

Soon thereafter, Dorothy was put up for adoption, and it didn’t take long for her to find a forever home in which she will be properly cared for.

Well, of course.  Who wouldn’t want such a beautiful and faithful companion? 😀

Hats off to the crew at J.J. Woofin’ Paws for another amazing rescue story!

Source: ShareTap

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