Dog Saves Woman’s Life By Howling So She’ll Go Outside To Scold Him
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Do dogs have ESP? Can they sense imminent danger before it happens? This woman certainly thinks so.
Her name is Yang Caitou. She said that she got home from work one night at 11 p.m. and stayed outdoors to play with her pup, and then they went inside to get ready for bed.
The dog, named Ercheng, surprised her when he ran back out the door to go outside and started howling like crazy.
Yang started freaking out and ran outside to scold him.
The neighbors already didn’t like the dog since she took him in as a stray, and he was just five-months-old and still had a lot to learn.
She left the pup outside, and within one minute of going back in to take a bath, he started howling again! He was sitting in the middle of the street, head back, howling like his life depended on it.
So, she ran out to scold him again.
That’s when the earthquake hit…the 6.4 earthquake rocked the city!
Yang waited about 10 minutes before going back inside where she was met with devastation.
She was stunned when she saw her bathroom where she would have been if not for the howling pup – it was covered in shattered glass.
There’s no doubt she would have been injured or worse had she not gone out to scold her pup. Then she realized that he had just saved her life!
“Some people say that animals have precognition and this seems to be quite true.
Otherwise, I would already be in the bathroom at the time when the earthquake struck.
If I was bathing at that moment, I would not be able to escape when the glass shattered,” she said.
The neighbors praised the puppy for saving her life, and now they’re a little more understanding of the young guy.
Do you think that dogs can sense of danger before it happens…?
Source: NTD.TV
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