Trash Collectors Hear Faint Cries – They Start Digging, And A Tiny Furry Soul Pops Out
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Garbagemen hear desperate cries coming from somewhere beneath a mountain of trash…
They can’t tell exactly what it is, but it’s definitely a living animal.
But what was it? And how badly was it hurt? When they found it, would it be savable?
Well, these were all questions Fernando Marie and his colleague had to ask when they started digging through the garbage, in search of the lost soul.
These two sanitation workers from Uruguay have certainly seen their fair share of weird stuff, but they weren’t prepared for what they’d find…
And they knew they had to work fast, too! As Marie told The Dodo:
“The truck was full of garbage, and we kept hearing that crying.
It kept getting quieter and quieter, like it was drowning in the garbage.
So, we grabbed some shovels and began to dig.“
They had to move quickly but not too quickly, or they might end up injuring the terrified creature.
Well, it didn’t take too long before they finally uncovered the source of the pathetic cries:
It was a puppy!
The poor little pup must’ve gotten picked up with the trash that day but amazingly, he didn’t appear to be injured at all.
Sure, he was a tad disoriented (wouldn’t you be?) but otherwise, the tiny pooch seemed to be in good condition.
Marie had to wonder, though: What if someone had dumped the poor pup intentionally…?
If so, isn’t that one of the most terrible things you’ve ever heard?
Well, even if that did happen, at least the pup made it through.
And all thanks to some kind-hearted trash collectors who weren’t about to let an animal in distress die! 😀
Finished Marie:
Hoy nos ganamos el cielo en mi laburo abrimos un camión lleno de basura porque escuchábamos llorar un perrito adentro nació de nuevo hay que ser hijo de puta para tirar esta hermosura
Bien nosotros Imm buceo— fernando (@ELSHOSHI82) August 24, 2018
“I hadn’t been having a good week, but I’ve been happy ever since.
This made my whole year, to be honest.“
So fantastic!
Source: The Dodo
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