After Losing Their Beloved Dogs In A Tragic Accident, A Remarkable Gift Arrives At The Door
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So many companies say they offer “exceptional customer service” but far too few actually follow through.
Some, on the other hand, deliver something absolutely amazing and totally unexpected.
When Laura Watlenburg’s sister and brother-in-law lost both of their dogs in a car accident they were devastated.
Not only did they have to experience the tragic loss, but they had to to tell their child that their beloved pets were gone. Such a sad, sad day.
And it got worse the next day, when the grieving owners received a regular shipment they had forgotten to cancel from the Chewy company.
When they saw the two large bags of dog food, their grief swelled to the surface yet again.
Then they picked up the phone and called Chewy to tell them what had happened, and asked if they could return the food for a refund.
Chewy’s response absolutely floored them!
Not only did Chewy refund the price as requested, they told the couple to keep the bags and donate them to a shelter in memory of their dogs.
Additionally, they asked for a picture of the dogs to put in their memorial book. How sweet!
Overwhelmed by the kindness, the family sent the photo along with a thank you note. But incredibly enough, Chewy wasn’t finished!
The next day, there was a beautiful bouquet of flowers on the doorstep with a card of condolence from Chewy!
What big company would go to such lengths to comfort despondent animal lovers, I ask you?
The family was just so touched, and Laura posted about Chewy’s extreme kindness on Facebook. That’s when other stories started to pour in.
For example:
“My mom lost 2 of her cats within a week or so of each other and called Chewy to cancel her standing order of food and litter with them,” Regina Brown Huber shared.
“They also sent her flowers and a card. I was so impressed by that.
What a great, caring company.”
And another beautiful example:
“Chewy followed my baby girl Joy through struggles of overcoming back leg paralysis and fighting off 4 forms of cancer,” Jana Lynn recalled.
“When she lost her 4-year battle they sent me her beautiful face on a canvas.
I cry routinely gazing at it still, one year later. They are beyond measure.”
If you weren’t aware, Chewy opened a WOW department that sends out the bereavement packages, cards and more to customers that experience life events ranging from illnesses to weddings.
Last year the company sent a whopping 2 million holiday cards and anticipates even more in 2017.
Now THAT’S how you run a company! They really do love pets and their owners! Proof positive, right here. 🙂
Source: Animals Being Cute
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