She Catches This Little Thief Ripping Into Her Package And Her Kitties Are Just Livid!

It always sucks when someone steals your package.
You never know who it might be; all you know is your package is gone, and there’s little chance you’ll see it again.
Then you have to go through the frustrating and tedious process of trying to explain what happened to the sender, and if you paid for it, you can try getting your money back.
No matter what, though, it’s an outrageously irksome thing to happen, right?
Well, Kristin Beck caught a package thief in the act…but instead of calling the police, she whipped out her camera and snapped a few incriminating photos!
See, she’d been waiting on a a delivery for a few days and in fact, the package wasn’t for her. It was for her cats.
She’d bought them a couple banana-shaped catnip toys she thought they’d really enjoy. But that dirty little thief was about to make off with the loot!
It was the neighborhood cat, who had climbed up onto the porch – no doubt smelling the catnip – and ripped into the package! Said Kristin:
“Out of the corner of my eye I could see the package being ripped at by the cat.
The culprit was on my front porch with one of the bananas already out of the package, and he was going to town on the Amazon bag.
I was the victim of an attempted cat burglar.“
Once the thief realized he’d been caught, he scurried away, leaving the catnip toys behind. Oh, too bad, foiled at the last second!
What was even funnier was one of Kristin’s own kitties, who was seriously miffed at seeing another cat horning in on his territory.
“My indoor kitty watched from the window in horror,” Beck said.
Kristin’s cats, Napa and Vino, both saw the terrible event go down and they may be scarred for life…or they might just go outside and hunt down the catnip thief!
But at least the cats got the toys in question and as for Kristin, she won’t be pursuing any official charges.
“There are no hard feelings against the little cat burglar,” Beck said.
“It’s the holidays and I’m glad he got to enjoy some treats, if only for a little while.
Not to mention I have not laughed that hard in a really long time.“
I think we all laughed pretty hard, Kristin. 😉
Source: The Dodo
Benjamin Stephen Dutka is a journalist, writer and editor with over two decades of experience. He has worked with three newspapers and eight online publications, including the Norwich Bulletin, Hartford Courant,,, and PoiseMedia, Inc. He also won a Connecticut short story contest entitled Art as Muse, Imaginary Realms, and has a penchant for rowing, reading, video games, and Objectivism.
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