They Hear Tiny Desperate Cries Coming From A Tar Pit Begging To Be Saved
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They Hear Tiny Desperate Cries Coming From A Tar Pit Begging To Be Saved

The worst thing that can happen if you find an animal in dire need of rescue is realizing you are helpless to save them.

There’s no worse feeling than watching an animal suffer because you can’t help.

If you find yourself in that situation, however, don’t give up and let them suffer!

Find someone who can possibly help or at the very least, give them a humane ending.

One fellow that happened upon a heartbreaking scene while walking in a small town in India did exactly the right thing:

When he heard what sounded like the weak whimpering of a small animal he followed the sound…

He reached a construction site where he was horrified to find three very young puppies stuck irretrievably in a pit of quickly hardening tar.

They had struggled and struggled until they were completely exhausted.

One of them had its face almost under the tar, which of course would be immediately fatal.

The kind man couldn’t think of any way to help without risking damaging the fragile pups in the process.

But instead of walking away and leaving the poor pups to their terrible fate, he called someone he thought could help.

He called the rescue organization Animal Aid Unlimited…and hoped they’d arrive ASAP!

The rescue team arrived as quickly as they could and approached the puppies, but their hearts sank as they took in the scene.

It looked like a truly impossible situation for the little ones.

First, they tried to tug the puppies from the tar, but it was impossible.

It had molded around their bodies and trying to remove them would most likely kill them.

In order to have any chance at freeing the puppies from their sticky, quickly hardening prison, they would have to separate them from the tar somewhere else.

They carefully cut the tar around the puppies, then transported them—and the tar they were stuck to—back to their treatment facility.

All they could do then was hope for the best.

They had no idea how long the puppies had been trapped, nor did they have any clue if they would survive their ordeal.

They were very weak and exhausted from struggling for what had obviously been a very long time.

Each of the puppies suffered damage from exposure to the tar, but some were in far worse shape than the others.

This one pup couldn’t even close her mouth, and she was in so much distress she couldn’t stop crying.

The sound was horrifying to kind hearts whose goal in life was to soothe the suffering of others.

They worked faster and harder, wanting to bring relief to these three tiny babies.

As soon as the team successfully transported all of the puppies to the treatment center, they tried to rehydrate and comfort them.

At first, they were only able to administer water using their fingertips or an oral syringe.

Once the puppies were rehydrated, the real hard work began.

The team worked carefully to remove all of the tar that was covering the puppies’ fur.

First, they used clippers and scissors in an attempt to cut away the largest chunks of tar.

Once that was finished, the rescuers carefully massaged a thick layer of oil into the puppies’ coats.

Just as you have to ‘fight fire with fire,’ oil was actually the only way to soften the tar so that it could be washed off.

Eventually, the tar began to soften and the puppies started to wriggle and move more freely!

It inspired the rescuers but they knew there was still much more work to be done…

For a while they would massage the oil into the sticky mess, then the puppies would be given a bath in warm soapy water.

Then back to the oil. Rinse and repeat.

It was back-breaking work, done in the worst possible condition of stench and disgusting sights and sounds.

But, they kept on. Until finally, they could see the sweet baby puppies that had been hidden by their prison.

Thanks to the Animal Aid Unlimited team, rescuers started to think this adorable trio might actually have a chance after all.

Spirits were high among the team.

Their soft hearts beat faster every time one of the puppies went to sleep. Was it their final rest?

No, the eyes opened. There was still hope!

It took several days of regular baths and oil massages, but eventually, the puppies began to act like normal puppies.

Another few days, and they were almost back to normal.

Who would have imagined that such a miraculous difference could take place! 

The grateful puppies were quick to heap basketfuls of kisses onto their saviors.

Every volunteer and person on the rescue team enjoyed getting to know the puppies as their individual personalities began to emerge.

Then, one day the team got the surprise of their life, one nobody expected.

Guess who showed up at the facility?

Their mother!!! She had been found, looking desperately for her puppies.

Their reunion brought tears to everyone’s eyes.

She was thin, she was in bad condition, but she was their mother, and for now, everyone was happy.

The puppies left their mother’s side only to play for a bit.

They had been through such a terrible experience, it was heartening to watch them as they remembered how to be puppies again!

Being reunited with their mother made these little guy’s incredible recovery all the sweeter.

With mom standing by, they would be able to get the nutrients they needed to survive as well as learn valuable life lessons from her.

…we bet the first thing she’ll tell them is “don’t play in a tar pit!”).

Source: Honest to Paws

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