Adorable Dalmatian's Unusual Trait Steals The Hearts Of Everyone He Meets
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Adorable Dalmatian’s Unusual Trait Steals The Hearts Of Everyone He Meets

Halieigh, an elementary school teacher who lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, adopted a precious little seven-week-old dalmatian puppy, Charlie.

When dalmatian’s are puppies, it takes them a while to start getting their spots, and you never know quite what they’ll look like when they’re fully grown.

As the puppy grew older, his spots started taking on a well-defined shape.

And the ones on his face are phenomenal!

He looks so amazing that he quickly became a canine sensation on social media. Just look at that face!

Halieigh said:

The older he’s getting clearer the love hearts around his eyes are becoming.

They’re so symmetrical that I have had a few people asking if I draw his heart spots on with eyeliner which I find really funny.

Nope, the hearts are not painted on and it’s not an edited photo. This is just what Charlie looks like.

She said she’d never had a dog before, and adopted Charlie before she even met him.

Since that fateful day, he has become her best friend, and she loves coming home to him to since she moved away from family.

They have their own page on Instagram dedicated to Charlie’s heart-loving fans, and he’s become quite the celebrity.

It’s no surprise that everyone loves him…he’s so special!

Source: Unilad

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