Cruel Owner Dumps His Dog, But Doesn’t Know He’s Being Watched
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A Dallas-area man recently caught the attention of animal lovers (and was eventually charged with animal cruelty) after surveillance cameras caught him doing something truly despicable:
He yanked a young dog from his car and abandoned it in a notorious dumping spot in the city.
According to local TV station WFAA, Gorge Spears, 62, of nearby Balch Springs, was seen leaving the dog near the intersection of Dowdy Ferry and Teagarden roads, which runs through a remote part of Dallas.
According to the SPCA of Texas, it was the first time the cameras — installed by the local marshal’s office — recorded an incident of animal cruelty.
In the video, Spears is seen getting out of an Infiniti sedan, roughly dragging the one-year-old mixed breed female out of the car by its leash, and pulling it to the side of the road.
Thankfully, the dog, still on its leash, was found the next day.
Dallas Animal Services took her in on Aug. 6. The SPCA of Texas took custody of the dog on Aug. 22 and she was adopted out on Sept. 9, the station reported.
After spending her life on a chain in someone’s backyard, and then being dumped roughly on an isolated road, this charming pup, now named KD, is happily ensconced in a wonderful new home!
Her new parents love her to pieces, and she loves them back just as much.
She even got to pick out some wonderful new toys that she is enjoying playing with, and she’s loving all the love and cuddles from her new family!
She has traveled to so many new places and has even made lots of new doggy friends.
She was once unwanted and neglected, but now she never has to worry about being abandoned ever again.
Can you imagine just driving away and leaving any animal on the side of the road? Much less one as adorable as KD?
We think whatever the punishment is for this action, it isn’t tough enough!
Spears defends his actions though. He says the dog was owned by his sister; she is a diabetic and the dog would scratch her “when she would go out to feed it.”
One day the dog “tangled her up in its chain” and scared her.
He says he “didn’t want his sister to have to suffer anymore” so he told her he would “get rid of” the dog.
Instead of taking the dog to a shelter though, where it might have a chance at being adopted, he decided it would have a better chance being abandoned on a back road.
Wrong. And now that he knows it’s wrong and will be punished for it, hopefully, he’ll never EVER do it again!
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