After An Eagle Snags Tiny Zoey All They Can Do Is Hunt For Her And Pray
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After An Eagle Snags Tiny Zoey All They Can Do Is Hunt For Her And Pray

Nature is cruel.

It’s heartbreaking to see a hawk or an owl pluck up a smaller animal and carry it away through the treetops.

Your heart aches thinking of the panic the small animal is feeling until it’s finally put out of its misery.

When Felipe Rodriguez was alone at his sister’s house in Bowmanstown, Pennsylvania, he looked out the window just in time to see a heart-wrenching sight:

An eagle comes soaring down from the sky and plucks up one of his sister’s beloved dogs from the ground!

He went racing outside, but the eagle was long gone. And so was little Zoey.

But Felipe wasn’t giving up; he jumped in his car and took off in the direction the bird had gone.

His only hope at this point would be that the eagle would drop the dog for some reason, and he could at least have a body for his sister to bury.

As he drove, the thought of never seeing Zoey again made him sick to his stomach. He couldn’t imagine how heartbroken his sister was going to be when she heard the news.

The little seven-year-old Bichon Frise had been a very important part of his sister’s life for a long time, after all.

And unfortunately, Rodriguez’s sister, Monica Newhard, was indeed devastated when her brother told her the news. She couldn’t stop crying.

She and her husband went out into the woods in the horrible winter weather to look for their beloved Zoey, but they found no trace of their beloved pet.

But amazingly, all hope was not lost…

Later that day, a woman named Christina Hartman was driving on a snowy road four miles from Newhard’s home, when she saw a furry white blob in the street.

She immediately pulled over to see what it was and found a little fuzzy dog, nearly frozen solid with icicles hanging all over her.

The dog was clearly in shock, almost comatose, and with odd wounds on her shoulder and neck.

Christina took the dog home, warmed her up, fed her, attended to her wounds then got online to see if she could find anything about someone missing a dog.

And she was stunned beyond belief when she saw a Facebook story about a woman whose little white dog had been picked up by an eagle earlier that afternoon.

Looking at the photo attached to the story, Christina knew that she was looking at a miracle. “There is a God,” she said in an interview later.

She didn’t recognize the people in the photograph, but there was no question that the little dog she had rescued from the middle of the road in a freezing rain was….Zoey! Alive!

Monica couldn’t believe it when she got the message that Zoey had been found.

She ran outside and sped to Christina’s house to see for herself. She couldn’t believe it until she saw Zoey with her own eyes. And then…there she was!

Never was there a happier reunion, even though poor Zooey was still in shock. Can you imagine the horrors she had gone through in the last few hours?

Nobody will ever know exactly what happened or why the eagle had relinquished his dinner. But, everyone involved is forever grateful that he did!

Thanks to Christina’s quick thinking to get Zoey to warm safety, the adorable pup survived with very little ill effects.

It’s very difficult to get Zoey to go outside these days, though. But can you really blame her?

Source: The Animal Rescue Site

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