20 Minutes Before Beatrice Is Euthanized, Her Beau Arrives With A Magic Kiss
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20 Minutes Before Beatrice Is Euthanized, Her Beau Arrives With A Magic Kiss

Sometimes all it takes is the touch of a loved one.

Beatrice is a 16-year-old shire horse who was the picture of health until one fateful morning.

Her owners, Donald and Jane McIntyre, found her lying in her stall, suffering from colic, which is severe stomach pain that can indeed be deadly.

The problem was very apparent to the experienced horse owners:

If they couldn’t get Beatrice on her feet soon, her position would put an immense amount of stress on her body and organs, which would eventually lead to organ failure. After that…

Knowing this harsh fact, the owners and four farmhands desperately tried to get the ailing mare to stand.

They tied a strap around the 2,000-pound animal and tried to lift her with the help of a tractor, but even that didn’t work.

Finally, after 6 hours of trying and failing, Donald and Jane had to accept the fact that poor Beatrice would have to be euthanized. It was a terrible blow.

They set the deadline: If Beatrice didn’t get up in 20 minutes, they would proceed with the tragic deed.

Donald let out Beatrice’s companion stallion, 11-year-old Beau, but instead of going out to pasture, he headed straight for his beloved.

He knew Beatrice was in trouble and he wasn’t about to let her die! Then, according to The Telegraph, “he began repeatedly biting Beatrice’s neck and lifting [her] head up.”

And then, to the amazement to everyone standing beside the two partners-for-life, Beatrice responded…she rolled over and stood on her legs! As Jane said:

It is absolutely astonishing.

We were prepared to lose her and had arranged for her to be put down, but Beau knew what to do.

We all watched with amazement. He lifted her so that her chest and legs came up off the ground.

With a little encouragement from us, she got shakily to her feet, and we quickly walked her out into the yard, trying to stop her falling down.

Jane added that they’re accustomed to “seeing extraordinary interactions between horses” (they’re almost human, aren’t they?) but the owners had never before witnessed anything like this.

It just proves that love crosses all boundaries, AND all species! 😀

Source: The Animal Rescue Site

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Benjamin Stephen Dutka is a journalist, writer and editor with over two decades of experience. He has worked with three newspapers and eight online publications, including the Norwich Bulletin, Hartford Courant, Booktrib.com, AskMen.com, and PoiseMedia, Inc. He also won a Connecticut short story contest entitled Art as Muse, Imaginary Realms, and has a penchant for rowing, reading, video games, and Objectivism.

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