Nobody Can Figure Out Frightened Kitten’s Problem – 10-Year-Old Boy Solves It In Seconds
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When a tiny kitten named Ariel wouldn’t stop crying, nobody could figure out why.
Even the experts at the shelter couldn’t stop the poor little thing from crying and crying. And the kitten was in generally good health, too.
What was wrong? And how could they get the tiny tyke to settle down?
Well, maybe they just needed someone with a magic touch … and we all know that children have magic in their fingers!
Kelli Gross is an avid rescuer and foster mother who has taken in over 100 kittens, so she’s no stranger to felines in distress.
So when she heard about Ariel, she quickly drove to the shelter to pick her up. Another adorable kitten to save and foster!
She brought her 10-year-old son Zack with her, too … and it’s a good thing she did.
Because when Kelli and Zack arrived to pick up Ariel, they heard the frightened kitten crying. She was still distraught; nobody could get her to stop.
Then something amazing happened:
“…but when Zack picked her up, everything changed.
‘She was going crazy and wouldn’t settle down,” Kelli remembers.
Then Zack’s quiet voice and gentle touch convinced the little kitten that she was safe and everything was going to be alright.”
The 10-year-old boy’s magic touch was just the ticket. Ariel never made a sound after Zack picked her up, and stayed quiet the whole ride home. Said Kelli:
“He put a blanket down in his lap and bundled her up.
She was sound asleep and didn’t make a peep during the whole 30-minute car ride home.”
As it turns out, Zack’s connection with kittens extends beyond Ariel. He just seems to understand them, and they understand him.
“He has a routine of waking up and telling them good morning every day before school and then coming and kissing every single one goodnight before bed.
He makes sure that they all feel included.
He misses them when he’s away and they’re the first thing he says ‘Hi’ to when he gets home from anywhere.
He just makes it effortless and you can tell that it’s actually ingrained into his heart.”
Maybe this is all because innocence is drawn to innocence … innocent children have an innate connection to innocent animals. 🙂
Source: Pawpulous
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