Furry Thief Snags A Loaf Of Bread And Disappears – Security Footage Shows The Culprit
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Security cameras exist to identify shoplifters and other criminals.
But sometimes, they reveal a culprit that’s tough to condemn…
After all, should we really punish an adorable furry thief that simply steals a loaf of bread? 😉
That’s what happened at a supermarket in Brazil: one day, there was a brazen robbery.
A sneaky four-legged friend slipped in the front entrance of the store, and then began to plot out his dastardly plan.
He waited for just the right moment and then, he snagged the bread and ran for the door!
It happened quickly and employees only spotted a furry flash out the corners of their eyes.
So, they checked the security camera and then they were able to identify the bread-snatcher…
It was a cute little pup!
Said one of the supermarket employees:
“Everyone’s reaction was that of surprise.
Out of nowhere a pup shows up carrying a loaf of bread in his mouth, and leaves so happy! It was great fun.“
Another camera showed the dog planning out his move, too. This is one smart pooch!
Nobody really knows where this dog came from or if he’s “hit” other stores, but he has certainly become quite the internet celebrity.
Little does this mystery pup realize that his thievery has been viewed over 100,000 times already!
And in the end, maybe the supermarket brought this on themselves…
The employees leave bowls of water out behind the store for roving strays.
But obviously, one pup wasn’t content with just a drink! 😀
Source: The Dodo
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