Klara Returns To Owner Bleeding And Crying, Then He Checks The Camera On Her Collar
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Should we keep our pets confined and safe, or let them have some freedom, which can be risky…?
Many people think it’s wrong to keep dogs confined or leashed. They believe dogs should be trained well enough to be “off leash” whenever possible.
Others realize that no dog can be trained well enough to avoid some of life’s uncertainties. No matter how well you think you’ve prepared, something can still go wrong…
Tommy Berglund realized the truth of that statement when he strapped a GoPro to his dog, Klara.
They headed out into the woods outside Värmland County in Sweden for a calm morning walk during moose hunting season.
Klara ran ahead while Tommy stayed just a few steps behind, trying to keep an eye on where she was going.
Klara is a Swedish Elkhound, a dog with a wolf-like appearance, bred for strength and endurance to aid hunting trips. The breed is known for being level headed and smart.
But despite Klara’s ability to take care of herself, she ran into something that day that neither she nor Tommy could have expected:
Huge wolves!
And Berglund was able to watch the entire encounter as it happened, thanks to the GoPro he’d strapped to Karla’s back earlier that morning.
He certainly never dreamed what kind of footage he’d find when Klara returned to him, hurt and crying.
He was stunned when he first saw the wolf appear on the screen:
He watched in horrified amazement as his wonderful, brave dog refused to back down from a terrifying situation.
For a moment it looked as if the wolf was startled by Klara’s appearance, and might back off. But then…
It turned and ran straight towards her!
The wolf veered away before actually attacking her, and it appeared as if Klara might avoid trouble.
But the harrowing life-or-death situation wasn’t over.
Klara was no longer alone with one wolf; the attacker had apparently only left to get reinforcements.
Now it was two against one and things were starting to look pretty grim for Miss Klara!
But instead of running scared, Klara bared her strong white teeth.
She might go down, but she would go down fighting and take everyone down with her that she could.
The next ten minutes were a bit of a blur as the two wolves lunged, snapped and bit at poor Klara.
The GoPro captured every snarl, every bite and every whimper as the three combatants participated in what was going to be a fight to the death.
The battle continued, getting more and more intense.
It was a fierce brawl between a brave dog and the wild animals from which she evolved—almost like a fight with her former self!
The alpha wolf would lunge in her direction, but she would jump away. Then he would lunge from a different direction.
It’s a bit like watching a fencing match between well-trained adversaries; thrust and parry, parry and thrust.
Follow up:
As soon as Bergland found Klara lying on the ground, bleeding, he rushed her to an area vet who treated a large wound on her back, stitched 14 smaller injuries, and cleaned 15-20 smaller wounds that were left to heal on their own.
Watch the video below to see how the battle played out in its entirety. It’s incredible that Klara could hold her own!
Proving her breed’s claims of stamina, Klara was back on her feet within three days, albeit still recovering from the attack. Most dogs wouldn’t have survived such an attack.
Interestingly Svensk Jakt, a Swedish hunting magazine, reported that had Klara not been wearing a steel-lined vest beneath her GoPro, she likely would have died from her injuries.
Congratulations to this amazing pooch for beating the odds!
Source: Honest To Paws
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