Three Lost Kittens Are ‘Ice Cold And Stiff’ – Two Angels Swoop In And Perform A Magic Act
When a Good Samaritan went out walking with her dogs, one of them got a whiff of something…
The Good Samaritan, named Marti, followed the curious pup and she found three kittens in a bush, shivering and barely alive!
These poor creatures were “ice cold and stiff” and they clearly didn’t have long to live, so the odds were stacked against them!
Even though the tiny tykes still had their umbilical cords attached, the mother cat was nowhere in sight, and the kittens had zero protection and nutrition.
The Good Samaritan, named Marti, knew she might be in over her head.
But she couldn’t just stand by and watch the babies die!
So, she quickly contacted a neighbor, Nikki Martinez, who was both an animal rescuer and a foster mom, hoping she could help.
Unfortunately, Nickki was out of town at the time, but she was able to talk Marti through the process of caring for the three abandoned kittens:
Angel #1 had to warm them up and feed them as best she could, and she couldn’t let them out of her sight! At 24 hours old, it was touch and go for a long time…
Thankfully, she got through that first night; all three kittens were still alive and Marti decided to call them Pancake, Spud, and Bagel.
Then she handed them over to Nikki, who was an expert.
And the first two appeared to be doing all right but Bagel was struggling … she was the smallest of the three and she’d stopped eating. And that was NOT good news!
Said Nikki:
“She didn’t want to eat that much at her 2 AM feeding and my heart had a sinking feeling.”
The kitten could be dead in a matter of hours if she didn’t eat, just because she was so young and frail. But how could Nicky get her to start eating again…?
Well, a vet had once trained her in tube-feeding kittens, so that skill came in immensely handy!
Just in time, Bagel was finally getting the nutrition she so desperately needed.
“I had happy tears rolling down my cheeks (partially because I was deliriously tired).
Bagel gained the weight she lost, and she was eating without a feeding tube.
After seeing Bagel refuse eating for two days and having to be tube fed, listening to her gulp down her food is music to my ears.”
Yes, Nikki had managed to save Bagel (and her two siblings), but if it hadn’t been for Marti, none of them would have survived.
Marti was the one who found them, who said to herself, “no, I can’t let them die today!” She’s the first angel in the story and the one the tiny kittens should never forget!
Kudos to both Marti an Nikki for making the seemingly impossible … possible! 😀
Source: Pawpulous