Man Lets Horses Out To Play In Snow - He Never Expected Their Surprise Reaction!
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Man Lets Horses Out To Play In Snow – He Never Expected Their Surprise Reaction!

There’s nothing more beautiful than the sight of horses frolicking in the snow, running with their long manes and tails flying behind them.

Imagine being the owner of these majestic animals and the excitement you would feel putting coats on their backs and opening the stable to let them out to play in the first snow of the year.

It would definitely be a moment that you would want to catch on video, right?

That was the plan for this proud horse owner, but it didn’t go exactly as he imagined…

He strategically got behind his two horses before opening the stable doors so he could catch the magic moment of them leaving the stable and out into the field to play.

What he captured as they flew out of the gate started off just beautifully, and then it wasn’t.

Watch to see why everyone all over the internet is in fits of laughter:

Source: Horses Regret Their Decision The Minute They Step In Snow by Animalkind on Rumble

They headed out, hesitated and looked at each other as if saying ‘Hell no!’ and turned around and headed back into the warm, cozy stable.

We can’t blame them a bit, but see why everyone is busting a gut over this one! 😀

Source: SunnySkyz

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