Lost Pooch Refuses To Stand Up – Rescuer Figures Out Why And Runs For Help
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Lost Pooch Refuses To Stand Up – Rescuer Figures Out Why And Runs For Help

When Brenda Osborne and her husband returned home after being out of town for a few days, they were met with a shock:

Their beloved pet pooch Ginger was gone!

The Lawrence County, Kentucky couple were distraught; they couldn’t find the wayward pup anywhere.

Nobody in the neighborhood had seen her, either, and the Osbornes were starting to lose hope … would they ever see Ginger again?

Five days later, their next-door neighbor, Darrell Perkins, heard strange howling noises coming from a nearby river.

And when he went down to investigate, he found Ginger!

It should’ve been a happy occasion but for some reason, when he called out to the lost dog, she didn’t respond. In fact, she wouldn’t even stand up.

But why? Was she stuck in the deep mud?

No, Darrell crept closer to the frightened pup and realized that she had sustained a nasty injury:

Her leg was broken.

It was obviously a bad break because Ginger wouldn’t even budge. Furthermore, she was in a really bad location.

So, he smartly called the dog warden, Johnny Rickman, to come and assist. As Darrell said on Facebook:

He came right away.

I could not have rescued the dog by myself the hill was too steep and muddy and right against the river.

Darrell recorded the entire rescue that ensued and as you can see, the rescuer used a harness to bring Ginger to safety.

And when Brenda heard the good news, she almost couldn’t believe it; as she told WSAZ:

Well I certainly have had an eventful day what had happened is that my sister and brother-in-law's little dog from next door has been missing since Friday and we just knew she was dead somewhere but this morning I was getting in my van to go to work and I hear a lot of howling it sounded like it was coming from the other side of the river but by knowing that Ginger was missing I thought I would investigate as I walked the River Bank I found Ginger stuck in the mud and in Creek Water next to the river she she had been there since Friday I'm thankful that the river hadn't raised a couple feet or she would have drowned I didn't know what to do so I called my neighbor Mitchell McCoy and I called Johnny Rickman the dog warden for Lawrence County he came right away. I could not have rescued the dog by myself the hill was too Steep and muddy and right against the river so with their help we got Ginger safely to the top and she is now at Tri-County Animal Clinic thank you Johnny and Mitchell for the rescue…..the video is of Johney bringing Genger up

Posted by Darrell Perkins on Wednesday, April 25, 2018


When he says, ‘Brenda I found Ginger,’ I still thought somebody had happened to her till he says ‘And she’s alive, found her on the riverbank.’

I just couldn’t believe it. I could get nothing done at work, believe me.

No doubt!

And in the end, though her injury will have to heal, Ginger is safe and sound and back with her loving family!

Source: NTD. TV

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Benjamin Stephen Dutka is a journalist, writer and editor with over two decades of experience. He has worked with three newspapers and eight online publications, including the Norwich Bulletin, Hartford Courant, Booktrib.com, AskMen.com, and PoiseMedia, Inc. He also won a Connecticut short story contest entitled Art as Muse, Imaginary Realms, and has a penchant for rowing, reading, video games, and Objectivism.

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