Pup Tied Up In A Sack And Left To Starve – A Vet Discovers The Evil Owner’s Motive
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Why would anyone tie a poor dog up in a sack, and leave it die?
And isn’t it so much worse when the dog’s puppies are thrown away, too?
This is what animal rescuer Josiane Almeida stumbled upon when she was walking along a deserted road in Lagoa da Prata, Brazil.
Almeida saw the dog tied up to the neck, suffering in a coarse sack. There were also three trapped puppies inside as well, and one just wandering around.
It was a truly terrible sight.
Almeida rushed forward and as she says:
“Some of the worst scenes of mistreatment I’ve ever witnessed.
They’ve been there for quite some time.”
The mamma dog was terrified at first but Almeida gently calmed her down, and convinced her that she was there to help.
Then she carefully carried the sack to her car before cutting it open, and seconds later, the entire canine family was freed.
But they still needed urgent medical assistance, so Almeida rushed them all to a local vet’s office.
There, it was determined that in addition to being malnourished, the mother dog had a very big problem:
A cancerous malignant growth!
That could be why she was dumped in the first place; her previous owners just didn’t want to deal with her illness, so they ditched her!
This story just goes from bad to worse, doesn’t it?
However, the good news is that all the pups are currently getting the care they so desperately require, and they will soon be off to loving homes.
It’s only going to take a few kind-hearted souls to adopt them, and after over 140,000 shares and 11,000 comments on the video Almeida shared, that probably won’t take long!
Who wouldn’t want to give these traumatized pups the attention and love they need?
In the meantime, Almeida is taking care of them, and she’s just the right person to do it!
Plus, she thanks God for allowing her to be in the right place, at the right time:
“Before, this family was smothered in a sack tossed out to die, but as God is good, we managed to get them out of suffering!
They live well with me today!
Thank you, God, for giving me this opportunity.”
Stranded and abused animals don’t always get happy endings. But when they do, it’s worth telling the world about! 😀
Mamãe e seus bebês ensacados para morrer
Umas das piores cenas de maus tratos que já presenciei! Se não tiver forças não veja! Mãe doente com filhotes amarrados num saco e jogados no meio do nada! Pelo visto está lá a bastante tempo! Filhotes tontos e fracos devido à falta de ar e mãe sangrando muito! Parece também atar com tumor de sticker além de tudo. Qualquer ajuda será bem vinda! ??
Posted by Vereadora Josiane Almeida on Saturday, February 24, 2018
Source: NTD.TV
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