Sick Pup Is Running Out Of Time – Vet Runs One Test And His Heart Skips A Beat
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Poor little Amaani was 24 hours away from being euthanized.
The 5-month-old puppy was obviously very, very sick, and she had no one to care for her. So, she was going to be put down.
But Amaani couldn’t have guessed that her savior would walk through the door, and save her life at the 11th hour…
Heather Blazina spotted Amaani at a county shelter in Jacksonville, North Carolina, and she immediately knew something was wrong.
The sad pup had lost almost all her fur, and the pit bull mix was mostly unresponsive. It was just so heartbreaking!
Heather learned Amaani was scheduled to be euthanized the following day, but she also knew the pup really was extremely sick.
Perhaps there was no saving her…
However, Heather has a background in medicine and surgery from her time with the military, and she realized Amaani COULD be helped.
She agreed to foster Amaani and immediately took her to a vet. At first, the pup didn’t respond to the medication she received.
But Heather was determined, and after repeated visits to the doctor, Amaani finally got the diagnosis that would save her life:
The pup had distemper, a serious viral disease that attacks a dog’s immune system, and it’s very often fatal.
The vet quickly started treatment for that terrible disease and thankfully, Amaani started to improve.
“July 4 was the day she started showing signs of life, and it gave us hope,” Heather said.
“Amaani means ‘hope, aspirations, wishes and desires.’ She has definitely lived up to her name.”
The only downside is that the distemper stunted Amaani’s growth. This means she won’t get much bigger.
However, the pup that was once scheduled to die in only 24 hours is once again healthy and she’s now a lively, happy pooch.
And Heather couldn’t be more impressed with Amaani’s fighting spirit:
“I’m amazed that her spirit was not shut down, considering everything that she went through,” she said.
“When she came to me, she had a 105-degree fever, so that right there tells you what she fought.
She has an amazing spirit, and to be so minimally affected by everything that she’s been through already is just phenomenal.”
Talk about being saved in the nick of time! 😀
Source: The Dodo
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