Puppy Loves Bowling Alley, But Is Told To 'Learn To Bowl Or Leave' - Challenge Accepted!
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Puppy Loves Bowling Alley, But Is Told To ‘Learn To Bowl Or Leave’ – Challenge Accepted!

This 8-month-old puppy, Blake,  loves spending time at a bowling alley in Emmette, Idaho with his owner, Katelyn Simpson.

But like all businesses, you either need to buy something or pay for a service they offer…or leave.

So Blake was challenged with learning to bowl.

He got some strange looks from the other lanes at first, but Blake accepted the challenge with open paws. Katelyn had all the faith in the world in her furry friend:

“We always thought it would be fun to teach him how to bowl so as soon as he got tall enough to reach the ramp we put a ball up there and we tried to just see what happens and he loved it.” 

“We just put the ball on top of the ramp and we held a treat like above the ball.

We’re like ‘come on’ you know kind of helped him, showed him a couple times just pushed the ball with his arms and he caught on and just started doing it on his own.

“I think his high game is like a 93. He gets strikes every once in awhile, pretty good spare shooter.

You have to see this to believe it; too cute!

Source: Sunny Skyz

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