Homeless Raggedy Ann Narrowly Misses Being Hit By A Car And It Instantly Changes Her Life
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Homeless Raggedy Ann Narrowly Misses Being Hit By A Car And It Instantly Changes Her Life

Life isn’t easy for any dog living on the street. But things are even worse if the dog has long hair.

Shorter-haired dogs dry off quickly after a rain. They always look the same, whether or not someone is caring for them.

Long-haired dogs, on the other hand, can go from being beautifully manicured beauties to being matted messes that most people can’t bear to look at.

And such heavy matting can be very dangerous for the dog as well, which is why it’s often so heartbreaking to see.

One little dog in Dayton, Ohio had been on the streets so long that her hair had matted severely enough that it was indeed heartbreaking.

When matted hair gets wet, it may take days for it to dry.

In cold damp weather, it never completely dries and thus has no insulating properties making the dog even colder than a short-haired dog would be.

Any injury that is beneath a mat is sure to get infected, which in warm months can be fatal pretty rapidly. There is also the aesthetics issue too.

Poor Raggedy Ann, as she was nicknamed: She had once been someone’s beloved pet, then her circumstances changed and there she was on the streets of Dayton, dodging cars, running for her life.

Luckily, a Good Samaritan happened to see when she narrowly missed being hit by a car on a busy street. Then they caught her and carried her to safety.

It took a very brave and dedicated animal lover indeed to put poor Raggedy Ann in their car!

Not only was her hair dirty from living on the streets, but the hair on her bottom had gotten so matted that it was now filled with poop. It was just terrible.

She could barely see through the mats around her eyes and the pads of her feet were completely hidden by matted hair.

Luckily, the folks at SICSA Pet Adoption Center knew exactly how to care for her!  And they were just in time.

Grooming dogs is usually backbreaking work with a lot of job hazards.

But the groomer that took on the task of clipping off all of Raggedy Ann’s mats really deserved hazard pay that day! What a mess!

It definitely wasn’t your typical grooming job; it took an entire afternoon to get the hair off of Raggedy Ann’s feet!

They were completely encased in mats of hair that had entangled with horribly overgrown toenails.

It required patience, talent and a little luck to get R.A. to the point that she could get into the bathtub.

Can you imagine the Nirvana it must have been for her to feel that nice soapy warm water being massaged into her body, after months of being encased in that hard, stinky shell?

That fabulous groomer uncovered the beautiful dog hiding beneath all the grime and filth. Check her out!

As you might imagine, as soon as Raggedy Ann didn’t look quite so raggedy anymore, the applications to adopt her came rolling in.

The best home was chosen for her and she is now happy as punch in her warm new home.

Not only did she get a new home and new canine siblings, but she got a new name too.

Introducing “Luna,” the pup that bears no resemblance to the sad mess that was once Raggedy Ann!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site

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