Rescuer Finds Abandoned Pet House In A Park – She Carefully Opens The Door And Gasps
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It was just sitting there: a little blue pet house in the middle of the park.
Being the founder of the animal rescue organization The Abandoned Ones (TAO), Judy Obregon had seen such sad sights many times before.
In Echo Lake Park in Fort Worth, Texas, it was a very common occurrence:
People would just leave their pets in the park and disappear; it happened so often, in fact, that Obregon started daily walks to find abandoned animals.
And here was a pet house, though there didn’t appear to be any activity inside…
Even so, Obregon knew she had to check, because there could be an abandoned creature in desperate need of help.
At the same time, it was a wooded area and it was very possible that a wild animal was waiting for her in there…
Maybe an angry raccoon!
Well, this determined rescuer just had to find out.
She cautiously pulled back the flap and gasped: there were two scared eyes peeking out from behind a pillow!
It was a tiny little dog, and the poor thing was absolutely terrified.
The blankets were cold and there was no food or water in sight, either, so Obregon quickly extricated the little pup and brought her to a nearby vet.
That’s where she learned the puppy was only about 10 months old, and also suffered from Demodex mange.
Thankfully, however, it didn’t take long for the doctors to fix her up and after her recovery, Obregon knew what name to give her:
She named the little pup Najila (or Jila for short), which is Arabic for “eyes that glisten.”
What a perfect name!
Jila spent her convalescence at Obregon’s home for a while, and then they found a perfect foster home for the adorable dog.
Obregon will be sorry to see Jila go, of course, but she’ll never forget those two scared eyes…
It’s why she does what she does; she wants to help and heal, and we need more kind-hearted souls like her!
And soon, it’ll be back to the park to see how many more innocent strays she can save! 😀
Source: Honest to Paws
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