When Rescuers See Why This Strange Creature Is In Pain They Rush For Special Tools
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When Rescuers See Why This Strange Creature Is In Pain They Rush For Special Tools

Animals can get themselves into all sorts of trouble when roaming the countryside.

Sometimes they emerge from the woods covered in mud and burs; other times they sport injuries from battles with wild animals.

But sometimes, our furry friends can get themselves into even pricklier situations…

When 85-year-old Gwen Maxwell noticed what she thought was a baby puppy near her home, she knew it was in considerable pain.

For one thing, the puppy appeared to be covered in something green that was causing her a huge amount of distress; she could barely move and she was crying out for help.

Gwen immediately called for assistance and when rescuers arrived on the scene, they realized that in fact, it wasn’t a puppy at all!

It was a young coyote, and it had had an unfortunate close encounter with a cholla cactus. Big clumps of it were stuck to its legs, face, and shoulders.

Gwen still couldn’t believe the poor thing was even alive:

He’d get up and tumble around with all those chollas on him, and it was just so heartbreaking,” she said.

Even more heartbreaking was the fact that the coyote’s mother was sitting anxiously nearby. Added Gwen:

“She kept coming back and holding a vigil in my backyard.”

Thankfully, the two men who had arrived on the scene found a pair of pliers and immediately set to work removing the painful prickers from the coyote’s fur.

After some time passed, the young’un emerged and though a little bloody and bruised, he appeared to be healthy and in good spirits.

And the instant he was set on the ground, pricker-free, he sprinted toward his mother, who was overjoyed to have her child back!

Hopefully, this will be a lesson to the young coyote – avoid those cacti, as they can be far more trouble than you might think.

You won’t always be able to count on some kind strangers that’ll help you out of your prickly pickle. 😉

Source: NTD.TV

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Benjamin Stephen Dutka is a journalist, writer and editor with over two decades of experience. He has worked with three newspapers and eight online publications, including the Norwich Bulletin, Hartford Courant, Booktrib.com, AskMen.com, and PoiseMedia, Inc. He also won a Connecticut short story contest entitled Art as Muse, Imaginary Realms, and has a penchant for rowing, reading, video games, and Objectivism.

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