Kids Go Sledding And Grandma Cracks Up When The Yearlings Start 'Horsin' Around'
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Kids Go Sledding And Grandma Cracks Up When The Yearlings Start ‘Horsin’ Around’

At White Tail Farm in southern Maryland, a snowfall created a winter wonderland over the gently sloping hills.

Amid the hills are the amazing miniature horses that freely roam the 100 acres.

The owners knew that their grandchildren were chomping at the bit to go out and play in the freshly fallen snow, so everyone suited up to go sledding.

When the first child goes down the hill on his sled, the yearlings come to investigate. They surround him as he giggles at the attention.

The boy grabs his sled to get back to the top to make another fun down the slops and the horses follow.

It’s such a riot; everyone is laughing.

He jumps on his sled and zooms down the hill, and the mini-horses join in the fun.

You have to watch this; they start horsing around too! It’s adorable. 😀

Source: We Love Animals

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