Starving, Covered in Sores, Close To Death – And Here’s The Astonishing Transformation
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Being a street dog is never easy.
If you escape attacks from other dogs and the wheels of automobiles, there’s always some other danger lurking.
It’s hard to stay healthy even if you’re eating a good diet but for a homeless dog, even bad food is often difficult to find.
When Diane and Tony Rowles of Rudozem Street Dog Rescue in Bulgaria were told about a starving dog on the streets, they hoped to give the poor pup some good food and love.
But when they got their first glimpse of the dog they would later name Khaleesi, they were horrified. They were shocked she was alive at all!
The miserable dog was almost completely hairless and her skin was raw and red. She had been attacked, probably by other dogs, and had one ear had been badly injured.
She was limping from what looked like a broken leg that hadn’t been set, so it had healed crookedly.
She was nothing but skin and bones and the Rowles weren’t certain they could help. But they were determined to do everything possible to give her a chance at a good life.
Despite her infirmities and the obvious fact that life hadn’t been good to her, she was very sweet and gentle.
Diane described their first meeting on the rescue group’s Facebook page:
“Tony called the dog and she came straight over to him… she was just so desperate for contact.
She has to be one of the saddest cases we have seen.“
Upon their arrival to the rescue center, the RSDR team made sure the poor dog realized that everything was going to be okay.
Despite her rocky past, Khaleesi loved human interaction and thrived on affection – so she warmly accepted their reassurance!
In addition to beginning a heavy round of antibiotics, Khaleesi began getting regular baths with a special shampoo to remove the excess skin, bacteria, build-up and sores that covered her entire body.
Getting a bath obviously wasn’t her favorite thing, but she was so grateful for being cared for that she never moved an inch!
The staff fell more and more in love with her every day; she was just a total sweetheart!
It took awhile before Kahleesi was strong enough to venture out of the house but eventually, it was time to go visit her vet to begin the big stuff.
The veterinarians treated her for the few remaining infections, got her up to date on vaccinations. and placed a cast on her leg so it had a chance of healing correctly.
As those who had worked with her had come to expect, Khaleesi sat there calmly and waited as the technicians finished their work.
Even though she still didn’t have any hair, her leg was in a cast, and a chunk was permanently missing from her ear, Khaleesi was finally starting to resemble a dog again.
She even began to enjoy playing in the backyard with her favorite canine companion, Ragnar!
A few weeks later and they were back at the vet to get the cast removed.
As you can see by the big smile, Khaleesi was grateful to be able to walk without the extra weight.
AND, the treatment was a total success! The bones healed straight and beautifully, so now she could start being just a normal dog…finally!
(Note that you no longer can count her ribs either. She was responding perfectly to all the good care and attention!)
As the weeks turned into months, Khaleesi was barely recognizable as the same pathetic creature that had been found roaming the streets.
First, the hair came back on her face, then in spots on her body, and eventually she was covered in a lovely coat.
With the love and dedication of Diane, Tony and the rest of the RSDR team, Khaleesi eventually made a full recovery and grew into the beautiful large mountain dog she was destined to be.
Their story got out and support for Khaleesi poured in from around the world.
One special little boy wrote a book about his dog that had helped him deal with his cancer, and others sent boxes of toys and treats.
The ragged little street pup had turned into a beautiful dog, all thanks to Diane and Tony.
However, despite the outpouring of support for Khaleesi, she still hasn’t found the perfect home.
If you and your family want to help RSDR or are interested in bringing Khaleesi home to join your family, visit their website.
You could offer her the fairytale ending she so richly deserves!
Source: Faithtap
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