Tourists Find Petrified Dog Hiding In Garden…When They Look Closer, Their Hearts Shatter
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When you go on vacation, you expect to return with a few souvenirs and other mementos.
You also expect to encounter a variety of surprises and adventures, which often are the keys to memorable trips.
But Georgie Brearley and her partner Dean Chard never expected what they’d find when they took a vacation in Bali, Indonesia.
One pleasant morning, the two were heading out to breakfast when they spotted something moving in a garden attached to the restaurant and near a rice field.
As Brearley told The Dodo:
“We saw her poke her head out from under a gate, and we straight away noticed the condition she was in and thought that we could not leave her there.”
As the two crept closer toward the frightened animal, they realized something was dreadfully wrong…
The poor thing wasn’t just fearful of humans, she also appeared to be in terrible condition; when Brearley and Chard got close enough to see her fur, they were almost in tears.
The dog had hardly any hair left, her skin was cracked and bleeding, and to make matters worse, it seemed as if she suffered from mange.
If you’re unfamiliar, mange is a nasty and painful condition caused by mites burrowing into the skin; it commonly afflicts neglected canines.
Well, the two kind-hearted tourists just couldn’t leave the poor pup there to suffer.
They found out the dog’s name was Moksa and decided to do everything they could to help. But it was slow going at first.
Brearley said they tried to give the starving pooch some biscuits but he just ran away. And when Brearley actually got close enough to touch Moksa:
“When I tried to stroke her by reaching out my hand, she cried out in fear,” Brearley said.
“We spent around an hour just sitting near her and feeding her biscuits whilst getting closer. Eventually, I was able to stroke her.”
Finally, they gained Moksa’s trust and Brearley carefully picked up the ailing dog and took her into the restaurant.
And that’s when it really started to dawn on them that this poor thing had had a very rough life:
“Seeing her just laying on my lap, so exhausted and content after being so fearful of us an hour before, was quite emotional,” Brearley said.
“It made us wonder how long she had been alone, and how much she wanted affection from humans, but had most likely only had unpleasant experiences.”
Then the heroic animal-loving duo dialed up BARC (Bali Dog Adoption and Rehabilitation Centre), and the team there immediately agreed to help Moksa.
BARC tries to rescue every dog that needs assistance in Bali, especially those poor pups who have been forced to live on the streets.
The ancestry of the Bali dog stretches back 5,000 years so in fact, these animals should be treated as national treasures. Sadly, however, there are still some very evil humans out there.
Anyway, BARC sprang to action and immediately took Moksa straight to the vet, where the doctor did indeed confirm the dog’s pitiable condition.
The good news is that Moksa got the care she needed and now lives in a loving foster home. The foster mom, Cari Dziadowicz, just adores her freshly rescued companion:
“I have laughed, cried and gone crazy from sleepless nights but looking at that face and those eyes makes this all worth it.
She’s strong and a fighter so I have to be also. I don’t know if I did anything this worthwhile all year.”
And the best part?
Moksa’s original rescuers, Brearley and Chard, went to visit Moksa every day for the remainder of their vacation in Bali.
The only hard part was saying goodbye. But at least they know the dog is now getting the love and respect she deserves, and they couldn’t ask for a better ending.
Finished Brearley:
“She really is in the best place, and having spent some time at BARC whilst visiting Moksa, it is clear how needed charities like them are in Bali.
She doesn’t seem to be out of the woods yet, but she looks like she is making great progress and we hope she has a bright future ahead of her.”
Source: The Dodo
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