Vet Instantly Knows What’s Wrong With Dying Pup When Owner Answers 1 Question
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A quick-thinking vet was able to save an adorable 7-week-old shih-tzu named Wallace.
But that was only after the dog’s owner finally came clean as to what may be the root of the trouble.
Wallace was rushed to the Dewdney Animal Hospital in Maple Ridge, British Columbia, and Dr. Adrian Walton was initially at a loss as to what the problem was.
The pup had gone limp and unresponsive, and Walton’s initial thought was that Wallace was hypoglycemic.
He quickly administered treatment but that didn’t do the trick.
The doctors’ wheels continued to spin, and he was left with no choice but to ask the owner an uncomfortable question.
“Look, I need to know, is there any possibility that this animal had gotten into narcotics?” he asked.
The owners response knocked the seasoned vet for a loop:
Yes, the dog had been exposed to narcotics! What’s more, it was the deadly drug fentanyl.
Walton and his staff immediately administered a dose of naloxone, which rapidly reverses the effects of opioid overdose.
Within minutes, little Wallace had sprung back to his feet!
With that one valuable piece of information, as difficult as it may have been for the owner to give out, saved the little dog’s life…and just in time!
He’s going to be just fine, but Walton wasn’t about to let the opportunity go by to spread a message that just may save some other pets lives.
“The owner has given permission for us to publish this post so that we can tell people to be honest when they bring their animal to the vet,” Dewdney Animal Hospital wrote.
“A) it can save your pets life and b) We really don’t care what you smoke, ingest [sic]or inject, we care about your pet.”
While this story has a happy ending as far as Wallace is concerned, we can only hope and pray that the hospital’s message goes viral to prevent any additional potential tragedies.
The current opioid crisis in the country doesn’t only affect humans, as we can see. We have to protect our furry friends as well!
Source: Inspired
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