Look: Cop Frees Dog From Fence, Can’t Believe What The Grateful Pooch Does Next
This dog got himself into a bit of a jam.
As a rule, dogs are playful creatures but sometimes they get…well, snagged.
That’s exactly what happened here, as a clearly friendly pooch got caught in a fence.
I say “clearly friendly” because his tail is wagging even while he’s trapped!
Anyway, a kindly police officer came along to set the furry friend free, much to the owner’s (and the dog’s) relief.
But neither the owner nor the cop was expecting what the dog would do once he got free…
He took off immediately and where did he end up?
That’s right: Sitting in the driver’s seat of the officer’s police cruiser!
Hey, he’s just saying thank you, right?
Or maybe he’s saying, “I want an owner who can get me out of such messes!” 😉
Source: YouTube