Woman Rescues Dog From The Street – Then She Discovers The Sad Truth About The Pup
Oh my gosh.
That’s all I can say after watching this video!
It’s amazing how a video so simple and with no words, can cause such emotion in me.
The woman sees a stray pup by the road who obviously needs lots of help. She gives him some treats, brings him to a vet, and gets him all cleaned up at the groomers. She even takes him to go pick out his favorite toys.
The two look so happy together!
Then she sees it — the sign.
I instantly started crying when I watched this omg its so good!
Check it out before I spoil anymore…
Now this may not be a “real” video per-say, but it still made me cry like it was. The reason being, I’ve had this exact situation happen to me years ago. It’s about the sweetest and most heart-breaking thing that can happen to you.
At least he’s back home now though with his original owner and partner.
What a sweet video, we need more love and compassion in the world like this.
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Source: Youtube