Clever Delivery Guy Out-Foxes A Wily Coyote That Keeps Stealing His Newspapers
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Clever Delivery Guy Out-Foxes A Wily Coyote That Keeps Stealing His Newspapers

Coyotes have been given a bad rap in urban areas because humans have overtaken the land upon which the coyotes live.

They don’t have much space to roam any longer, so we have to share neighborhoods with them. Some can be dangerous, and some are just a nuisance.

And some can be just downright mischievous!

A newspaper delivery man in San Francisco started getting calls from angry customers about not getting their daily paper.

He knew that he had personally delivered them to the homes, so he was a little stumped at first…what was going on?

Then one morning while out on his route, he saw something incredible that solved the mystery:

On a lawn, there was a coyote playing with a newspaper!

He just stood there watching the happy little coyote; he was having a blast tossing the paper in the air and catching it, then used it like a sled to slide down a grassy hill.

After he tired out, he would just grab the newspaper in his mouth and run around in circles with it.

The coyote was stealing newspapers right after they were delivered and using them as toys!

So, the man immediately came up with a genius game plan.

Each morning, his first delivery was to the coyote so it would have its morning paper to play with, and then his customers would also get a chance to read theirs.

And it worked like a charm!

Once the playful animal had his toy, he didn’t need to roam about searching for others, and everyone comes out happy…even the coyote.

This is a great lesson in learning to coexist, and only at the cost of a daily newspaper!

Source: Mother Nature Network

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