Checking His Mail, Michael Finds A Letter From The Government...For His Dog?!
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Checking His Mail, Michael Finds A Letter From The Government…For His Dog?!

There are a lot of scammers out there trying to steal our identity, and it’s keeping the government on its toes.

We hear terrifying stories of thieves using someone else’s social security number to get tax refunds, credit cards, and even unemployment benefits.

Michael Haddock, an attorney in Saugatuck, Michigan, who was well aware of these identity theft cases, had gone to great measures to make sure it never happens to him…

But it still did. Well, sort of.

One day, Michael was at his office and checking the mail when he noticed a letter from the State of Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency.

Confused, he grabbed his letter opener and opened the envelope.

That’s when he realized he’d been scammed…by his dog, Ryder! (He does look guilty!)

I got a letter from the UIA on Saturday, my name is Michael, my dog is Ryder.

I was surprised to see it, but I had a good laugh, actually.

Apparently, Ryder was awarded unemployment benefits because he was laid off from his job at a local seafood restaurant, and he was to receive $360 per week.

“I knew he [Ryder] was clever, but he surprised me on this one,” Michael added.

Michael reported the error to the benefits office fearing there may really be a Michael Ryder out there in need of his benefits, and also to his knowledge, Ryder had not worked in a seafood restaurant.

It looks like Ryder will have to depend on Michael for his treats and toys instead of indulging himself with the $360 per week unemployment check, but we have a sneaking suspicion that Ryder gets plenty spoiled without it.

Watch the video to learn more about Ryder’s unemployment benefits and the good laugh Michael got from the whole ordeal!

Source: I Heart Dogs

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