Man Wakes Up And Sees His Dog – She Smiles And He Leaps Out Of His Skin
Say hello to Maggie. Maggie is an adorable little Shih Tzu-Chihuahua mix and she likes to...
Furry Thief Snags A Loaf Of Bread And Disappears – Security Footage Shows The Culprit
August 21, 2018Security cameras exist to identify shoplifters and other criminals. But sometimes, they reveal a culprit that’s...
Man Tries To Kick A Stray Pup – Seconds Later, The Unseen Dog Pack Charges In
August 13, 2018One young man thought it’d be funny to kick a stray dog. As it turns out,...
Kitty Refuses To Be Separated From His Greatest Love – It’s Not An Animal, Human, Or Toy
August 8, 2018Cats can be eccentric creatures. And one adorable 5-year-old tabby named Ozzy is no exception. On...
12 Knee-Slapping Cat Comics That Purr-fectly Capture The Life Of A Kitty Owner
July 3, 2018There are some jokes only cat owners understand. See, cat owners are a special breed of...
Kitty Approaches Rescued Squirrel – She Sticks Out Her Paw, And Owner Holds His Breath
June 28, 2018Cats and squirrels don’t get along. It’s just the way of things, isn’t it? Cats are...
Hungry Pups Steal Mailman’s Lunch – Embarrassed Owner Delivers Their ‘Apology’ To The Post Office
June 28, 2018When Carol Jordan adopted Bear and Bull, she quickly realized her new pups were a tad...
Baby Chloe Mysteriously Escapes Her Crib Every Night – Security Cam Reveals Two Furry Culprits
June 16, 2018Chris and Nina are parents of an adorable 15-month-old toddler named Chloe. They’re responsible and loving...
Woman Opens Mailbox And Sees Two Glowing Red Eyes – Then A Tiny Animal Rushes Straight At Her
June 8, 2018When a woman went to get the mail one morning in April, she never expected to...
Noisy Pug Wakes Up Entire Apartment Building, So He ‘Writes’ An Adorable Apology Note
June 7, 2018In the middle of the night, an apartment building in downtown Pittsburgh awoke to a terrible...