Woman Finds Injured Dog On Her Porch – She Checks The Security Cam, Then Rushes To The Phone

A woman in Flamstead, England is getting ready for bed one night, when the doorbell rings.
She cautiously goes to her front door; she’s a little nervous because it’s so late…
But she’s very glad she opened that door, because what she finds drops her jaw!
She sees an injured pup, looking both frightened and sad, and she also spots a car speeding away into the night.
In an instant, she knows what happened:
Some cold-hearted person ditched this poor hurt animal on her porch, rang the doorbell, and then disappeared!
The woman quickly brings the terrified pooch inside and calls the RSPCA.
Inspector Phil Norman arrives to collect the injured canine, and at the same time, the woman decides to review the security camera footage from her front yard.
Sure enough, she’d been correct, as Norman said in a press release:
“The man can be seen walking up the drive with the dog, onto the doorstep, and then turning around to leave the dog behind.
He appears to be dressed in dark clothes with white trainers and a white baseball cap on.”
Norman rushes to the vet with the 5-year-old greyhound mix (who he named Snow White), hoping the suffering animal isn’t too severely hurt.
Unfortunately, the vet finds that Princess sustained a major fracture to one of her hind legs.
They don’t know yet if she’ll be able to keep that leg but they’re fighting for her, and Snow White is fighting, too.
Says RSPCA Putney Animal Hospital staff member Amanda Rooney:
“We’re hoping to save the leg by repairing the break with a metal plate, but we’re concerned about the infection so it’s touch and go at the moment as to whether she may need an amputation.
She’s such a sweet, gentle, friendly dog and it’s heartbreaking to think someone could coldly dump her in the middle of the night in such a state.”
The RSPCA is still investigating; hopefully, they’ll find the evil guy who abandoned her.
As for Snow White, she’s going to stay in the hospital until she’s healed, and then the RSPCA can start searching for a new home.
And if that day comes, it’ll be a wonderful triumph for her!
Can you imagine someone dumping an innocent dog on a stranger’s porch, just to avoid the responsibility of caring for her? 🙁
Source: The Dodo
Benjamin Stephen Dutka is a journalist, writer and editor with over two decades of experience. He has worked with three newspapers and eight online publications, including the Norwich Bulletin, Hartford Courant,,, and PoiseMedia, Inc. He also won a Connecticut short story contest entitled Art as Muse, Imaginary Realms, and has a penchant for rowing, reading, video games, and Objectivism.
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